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Behind Our Fashion Garden

We're so excited to meet you!

We are Lucy and Dani, two passionate fashion designers who want to help you create the wardrobe of your dreams! Of course, without damaging the environment, people, animals, or your wallet. 


We share helpful tutorials, tips & reviews from brands that share our values. We know that even if there are new great brands, it isn't easy or affordable for everyone. Especially if you want to look stylish and you love fashion! Here you'll find everything you need to know to look amazing while taking care of your surroundings & yourself.


A multi-passionate entrepreneur, creator of solutions & visionary fashion designer.

I started my first fashion business back in 2016, a sustainable clothing brand. Thanks to that project, I discovered that it is hard to sell affordable sustainable fashion. Because sustainability still looks expensive.


Many people were interested in quitting fast fashion but, not everyone could afford the price of an ethically produced garment. The thing is, to be sustainable you don't have to consume all those brands, you just need to be creative. Money shouldn't be an obstacle.


So, I wanted to make something everyone could have access to, and delete the myth of "sustainable clothes are expensive". That's why I decided to change the perspective of my brand to create this blog, to teach people who cared but, who didn't want to break the bank.


We understand fashion is important to a lot of us, in the end, it is part of our identity.


Our mission is to teach people different ways of having a conscious wardrobe, besides buying second hand & responsible brands.

Creativity is a massive part of who I am. I'm always looking for new ideas & knowledge I enjoy sharing with our community. 


If you let me, I would be thrilled to show you and teach you how to maintain your style while you build your dream sustainable & ethical wardrobe.



A fashion designer who thinks creatively on how to be emphatic with the environment.

I’m passionate and determined, as well as sensitive. Also an introvert, but when it comes to fighting for a great cause, I don’t hold back. 


As a swimwear fashion enthusiast, I created a minimal swimwear collection for my final project of college. Designed with the goal of having swimsuits that were double sided, so their life of use would increase and the amount of dispossed garments decreased. 


For me it’s weird to imagine a home without plants. Plant lady here! But if you think about it, plants give you oxygen, food, and even clothes! And the only thing they'll ever ask from you is a few drops of water. I find that incredible.

With that in mind, I try every day to respond and give back a little bit of what they offer us. Some actions I did to be more sustainable and reduce my impact on the planet were, stop buying fast fashion, take better care of the clothes I already owned, switch to products that don’t generate trash, and the most exciting part have my own urban garden. 


In this space, we would like you to find information that’s gonna make it easier for you, to apply those changes. So you can accomplish a sustainable closet and most importantly a conscious life.







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